WAIT is that Gargoyle defecating? On cathedral?

In Freiburg’s Cathedral (Freiburg Münster), the stonemason who built the Gargoyles sure had a lot to say to their boss. I mean what other reason would there be to build this dreadful sight?

According to local legends during the construction of the Freiburger Münster, city council members commissioned a stonemason to design some of the stonework and sculptures on the building. They also demanded that gargoyles were crafted for the cathedral and that he should build faster, and include more detail. The bosses assured him that the salary he would receive would be consistent with the quality of the work he produced. upon completion of the work, the stonemason was rewarded for his work with a wretched amount of pay that didn’t come close to what he had been expecting. so, they positioned one of the gargoyles to look to be defecating or mooning in the direction of the city council building.
In other words: I shit in your general direction.
which is now forever visible on one of the city’s most religious structures. And for centuries the church must have said,
“Oh well, guess we have to keep that up there!”
Or people might be saying let’s go see the man pissing out of his arsehole at the cathedral today?

I understand that people from all walks of life groan and moan about their bosses but the stonemason really did something very gutsy. Instead of making passive-aggressive social media posts that are viewable to friends only, He lashed out against their bosses in the old creepy way.

Aside from rude figures, Freiburg is an amazing and fascinating place. And I definitely want to go there in the future.
So that’s it. I just wanted to update you real quick. I will be writing some articles on archeological things throughout the week. So stay tuned!
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